Security Reminder-Auto Theft Increase

The Southern Indiana area law enforcement, over the past two months and especially during the past two weeks, has noted an unusually high increase in vehicle thefts.  Please take an extra moment when leaving your vehicles unattended:  ensuring that all doors and hatches are closed and LOCKED, that a SPARE KEY is not readily accessible inside, ALARMS are set (if equipped), and parked under as much LIGHTING as possible to help deter thieves.

Additionally, it is a great idea to have a copy of your vehicle’s insurance card accessible away from the vehicle (such as a snap shot picture of it saved in your cell phone).  Taking simple steps to protect your property from crime go a long way in the end, and are proven to deter and prevent becoming a victim.

For more crime prevention tips, including personal safety, home security, small business, and bike safety; visit the Charlestown Police Department’s Crime Prevention website section at