
The Charlestown Police Department is now accepting applications for Full Time Police Officer positions, for purposes of compiling the next department hiring list.

Applications can be downloaded, printed and completed using the following link:


Completed applications (sealed in an envelope) can be dropped off at the Charlestown Police Department, 703 Main Street, Charlestown, IN 47111; during regular business hours Monday through Friday. Completed applications can also be converted to a PDF file (keep original) and emailed to

Printed Application packets can also be picked up during regular business hours, Monday through Friday, from the Charlestown Police Department Records Department, located at 703 Main Street, Charlestown Indiana.


The application process shall include; but not be limited to, a physical fitness evaluation, a background investigation, a written exam, and formal interviews.    

Applicants must be able to qualify for the appropriate Indiana Public Employee Retirement and Disability membership fund as outlined at

The City of Charlestown is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Questions regarding this application process can be directed to Major Jonathan Roederer, incoming Assistant Chief of Police, via email at

UPDATED CHPD BENEFITS for calendar year 2024:

-$51,057.26 base patrolman pay

-2% Longevity every other year

-Lateral Police Officers will receive their years of service in longevity

-$1400 Annual Clothing Allowance

-Allowable Facial Hair Policy

-Visible Tattoo Policy

-Outer Vest Carriers

-457 Plan Access

-State Employment Retirement (PERF)

-PTO & Sick Time (accrues on day 1)

-Take Home Car

-Specialty Teams-K9, SWAT, Investigations

-Rose Island FOP Lodge 206