The Charlestown Police Department K9 Division was established in 1979; and has dedicated thousands of hours to a proud tradition of excellence. The Department currently has two dog teams which are certified through the N.A.P.W.D.A (North American Police Work Dog Association).

Sgt. Adam Clark & K9 Hurley
K-9 Hurley is a Red Fox Labrador Retriever that was donated to CHPD by Trial by Jury Kennels out of Kansas City, MO, at the age of 7 weeks old in 2019. K-9 Hurley is the name sake of the late Sergeant Benton Hurley Bertram. K-9 Hurley was raised and trained in the local schools to become the first SRO K-9 at CHPD. She was implemented into the schools to provide emotional support and safety for the students/staff at the schools.
The team completes monthly maintenance training through Police Service Dog Consulting with Master Trainers Glenn Jackson and Richard Ashabranner.
K-9 Hurley and Sgt. Adam Clark have been a team since 2019 since she arrived at CHPD. Sgt. Clark has been a full time officer with CHPD since 2004 and involved in the K-9 Program for 9 years. He is the standing K-9 Commander for the K-9 Program. Both K-9 Hurley and Sgt. Clark are certified through the North American Police Work Dog Association (NAPWDA) in the working areas of Obedience, Narcotic Odor Detection, Tracking, Area Search, Building Search and Article Search.

Ofc. Alex Billings & K9 Jynx
K9 Jynx is a male German Shepherd born in Europe on June 16th, 2020. K9 Jynx was purchased from Shallow Creek Kennels in Sharpsville Pennsylvania. He is trained as dual purpose K9 in patrol including obedience, article search, area search, tracking, building search, criminal apprehension as well as narcotic detection. K9 Jynx and his handler, Officer Alex Billings, are certified through North American Police Work Dog Association. x
The team completes monthly maintenance training through Police Service Dog Consulting with Master Trainers Glenn Jackson and Richard Ashabranner.
K9 Jynx weighs approximately 70 Lbs and is 25 Inches tall. He spins in circles out of excitement when he sees his handler in uniform preparing to take him to work. This K9 team is excited to serve the community of Charlestown.
CHPD K9 teams are certified in the areas of: Obedience, Aggression Control, Criminal Apprehension, Area Search, Building Search, Article Search, Tracking, and Narcotic Detection. The Charlestown Police Department relies heavily on its K9 Division for narcotic detection and enforcement. The K9 Division has also been very beneficial for article and suspect tracking at a fresh crime scene.
The K9 Division, when not working cases, takes time to perform for groups in a demonstration format. One of the more enjoyable duties of Charlestown K9 Officers are the local school demonstrations. Kids of all ages enjoy watching police dogs work and learning how useful and important they are to law enforcement across the country and around the world. Keeping K9 teams at the top of their “game” is no easy task; they must train on a daily basis to stay conditioned for the tasks that they perform on the street and on-duty.
For more information regarding The Charlestown Police Department K9 Division, contact the K-9 Division Commander Sergeant Adam Clark at