K9 Sammy – assigned to Officer Keith McDonald
(1997 – 2000)
Sammy was a 3 1/2 year old German Shepherd, imported from Germany and certified in Narcotics and Utility Patrol Work. Sammy was responsible and assisted in many drug and search arrests; as well as many public community policing engagements. Sammy’s life was suddenly ended when he was accidentally struck by a moving vehicle along a State Highway, while on-duty Christmas Eve night.
The Charlestown Police Department is proud of Sammy’s accomplishments and loyalty to law enforcement, and dedicate this page to his memory. Thanks Sammy.

K9 Hahns – assigned to Major Ed McDonald (1994 – 2001)
Hahns was donated to Major Ed McDonald at 10 weeks of age to become a member of the K9 team. Early on, he exhibited a strong drive and ability to learn quickly. He was fully certified in narcotics and street patrol by the North American Police Work Dog Association (NAPWDA) at the young age of one year. Over the years, Hahns was responsible for numerous arrests and was well known among area police departments, who often called upon him for assistance. After Hahns was diagnosed with hip dipplasia and could no longer perform street patrol, he was still used for narcotics and article searches. He once found a gun used in a burglary the previous day, buried 6 inches underground, by tracking the scent from a gun clip found 30 yards away down a steep hill. In September 2001, Hahns became ill. His local veterinarian referred him to Purdue University Veterinary Hospital where he underwent surgery and was diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease. His illness did not respond to treatments and he died on December 28, 2001, at 7 1/2 years of age. He will be remembered as loyal, dedicated, protective of his master, and sadly missed by his family.
The Charlestown Police Department is proud of Hahns’ accomplishments and loyalty to law enforcement, and dedicate this page to his memory. Thanks Hahns.

K9 Bruno – assigned to Major Ed McDonald (1994 – 2004)
Bruno was a 10 year old German Shepherd, imported from Czechoslovakia and certified in Police Utility Patrol Work. Bruno performed many searches and was responsible for many arrests; as well as many public community policing engagements. Bruno retired with his handler, 31 year Department veteran Major Ed McDonald, in June of 2003. Bruno retired with one of the Department’s longest K9 service career’s and known area-wide for his tracking ability. Bruno’s life ended on August 18th, 2004 after an approximate 6 month bout with leg cancer.
The Charlestown Police Department is proud of and honored by Bruno’s accomplishments, loyalty to law enforcement, and dedicate this page to his memory. Thanks Bruno.

K9 Barry – assigned to Officer Devin Bizer (1998 – 2005)
Barry was responsible and assisted in many drug and search arrests; as well as many public community policing engagements. Barry’s life was suddenly ended when he was overcome by the heat of hot summer day, possibly complicated by a stomach illness.
The Charlestown Police Department is proud of Barry’s accomplishments and loyalty to law enforcement, and dedicate this page to his memory. Thanks Barry.

K9 Maja – assigned to Officer Jason Broady (2008 – 2012)
K9 Maja (pronounced my-a) was born in Germany on July 19th 2006 and imported into the United States when she was approximately 1 year old. K9 Maja was acquired by the Charlestown Police Department in February of 2008. Ofc. Broady and K9 Maja worked together until K9 Maja’s retirement in February of 2012. During her time on the street K9 Maja assisted in some 300+ narcotic searches and arrests. K9 Maja assisted in tracking numerous individuals, from missing persons, suicidal persons and wanted felons. K9 Maja was certified through the North American Police Work Dog Association annually and maintained her certification until her retirement.
K9 Maja attended numerous workshops throughout her years of service.
The Charlestown Police Department is proud of Maja’s accomplishments and loyalty to law enforcement, and dedicate this page to his memory. Thanks Maja.