The Charlestown Police Department is currently investigating three vehicle thefts occurring over the past few weeks. A huge common denominator among all three cases; as well as other recent cases of thefts from inside unattended vehicles, is that THE VEHICLES WERE LEFT UNLOCKED and SOMETIMES WITH THE KEYS INSIDE.
Detectives have collected a large amount of physical evidence which may lead to arrests of possible suspects; however we want to remind everyone to lock up your vehicles, sheds, and homes when not attended, especially overnight. Simply locking your property will reduce the chance of becoming another victim of theft by over 90% in Charlestown.
One suggestion is setting a cell phone reminder to double check vehicle doors, out building and home doors; every night at 9:00 pm to ensure this simple task is completed.
We want to prevent you from becoming another victim and will continue to investigate, and develop a prosecutable case against those who are low enough to steal from innocent citizens.