Since 1979, the officers of the Charlestown Police Department have annually taken local first graders shopping for Christmas. The first graders are selected with the assistance of Charlestown Elementary School teachers; who are in need of holiday assistance. The program, originally named “Shop with a Cop”; enables officers and their spouses to share a little Christmas cheer, while getting to know some of the most energetic citizens of the community. The positive interaction between cops and kids lasts a lifetime, is mutually beneficial, and is the longest running program of its kind in the area.
The program is completely funded by officers and volunteers manning 2 to 3 roadblocks each year; as well as, many generous local business donations, as a local holiday tradition. Each year the program has grown, little by little, now enabling the department to take 20 first graders shopping for $150.00 of clothing and $150.00 of toys at local stores. Once the shopping is complete, all enjoy a sit down dinner where Santa Claus stops by and visits with gifts for the kids. The program is a non-profit charitable endeavor which is sponsored by the Charlestown Police Department, but all time and effort is volunteered by personnel.
Donations Appreciated; as 100% of all donations to the Charlestown Police Department Christmas with a Cop Program go directly to program participants.
The program is currently under the direction of Cpl. Brandon Lyons, of the Charlestown Police Department. If you are interested in donating to the Charlestown City Police Christmas with a Cop.
Program, please send your tax deductible monetary donation, in the form of a check or money order to:
Charlestown Police Christmas with a Cop,
703 Main Street, Charlestown, Indiana 47111
or your tax deductible donation can be made on-line in the CHPD SHOP at
Contact Cpl. Lyons at at (812) 256-6345, extension 205; for more information.