Open Records Requests

Public record requests must be submitted in writing (handwritten, typed, or electronically) to the Charlestown Police Department Custodian of Records.

Written public record requests must include the name, address and contact phone number of the individual making the request; as well as, identification of any business or organization the request is being made in behalf of (if applicable).  Public record requests must also specifically describe what Charlestown Police Department records are being requested, including applicable time frames (beginning to ending date and time); in accordance with the Indiana Access to Public Records Act IC 5-14-3 et all.  See Example Indiana Request from the National Freedom of Information Coalition.

Written public record requests can be hand delivered in person during regular business hours (8:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday, excluding Federal Holidays) or mailed to the Charlestown Police Department Records Division, located at 703 Main Street, Charlestown, IN 47111.  Requests may also be made delivered via facsimile transmission to 812-256-7128, or electronically to

**Please note that archived 911 call and Dispatch Radio audio recordings are maintained by and property of Clark County Emergency Communications, 110 N. Indiana Ave., Sellersburg, IN 47172.