CHPD Accepting Applications for Full Time Positions
The Charlestown Police Department is now accepting applications for Full Time Police Officer positions, for purposes of compiling the next hiring list. Application packets can be obtained during regular business hours, Monday through Friday, from the Charlestown Police Department Records Department, located at 703 Main Street, Charlestown Indiana; and must be returned, completed as directed, and submitted before 4:00 pm, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24TH, 2023. The application process shall include; but not be limited to, a physical fitness evaluation, a background investigation, a written exam, and formal interviews. Applicants must be able to qualify for the appropriate Indiana Public Employee Retirement and Disability membership fund as outlined at Questions regarding this application process can be directed to Major Brion Gilbert, Assistant Chief of Police, via email at (video produced and edited by CHPD Ofc. Trey Crace)